19 August 2015

The customer satisfaction survey is one of the most important sources of feedback providing companies with the ability to get the data customers’ feelings about products and services. Having that kind of data enables companies to improve customer service and better meet customers’ needs.

Field marketing software provides fast and accurate data collection, allowing automated data entry. All customer survey data is automatically transferred to corporate database and is available for integration with company’s back-end system, export or analysis. Mobile forms allow collecting data very quickly eliminating paperwork and minimizing mistakes.

To execute a successful customer survey using a field marketing software solution, follow these three simple steps:

1. Develop the questionnaire – A successful survey starts with thinking over the right questions. Answering survey questions takes customers’ time, so they should at least feel that it’s not waisted. A good question uses clear simple words, directly explaining what a company is trying to find out. The questions should cover the most important aspects of customer experience with a company or a product. The survey should not be too long, or contain too many open-ended questions. Whereas free-form text fields are still important, providing the information that you may not have requested, this is a great way to end the survey.

Field marketing software allows developing various kinds of questions for everything that has to be find out, with different types of answers, including text, photo, number, multiple choice, electronic signature. Using powerful task builders you can create a survey in just a few minutes, supplementing it with notes, attachments and all the information your field reps need to interact with customers. Due to automatic synchronization all the tasks are instantly in your reps’ tablets and smartphones, ready to be performed.

2. Conduct the survey  To get actual feedback, it should be collected at the moment of experience, best of all at points of sale. To engage customers with a survey, a rep should make them feeling helpful explaining how their feedback helps the company to perform better. To avoid customers’ frustration during the survey it’s better to pre-indicate the amount of time that takes to answer the survey questions. 

This stage is the high point of field marketing software. Due to automated data-entry it takes several times less to conduct a survey using mobile data collection forms, comparing to traditional paper-based surveys.  Besides, using the up-to-day methods of data collection improves customers’ perception and the image of the company. Using the efficient and easy-to-use tools to perform customer survey drives positive experience of field reps interaction with customers. 
3. Analyze the results – Successful companies gather customer survey data not just to be informed, but also to act on it. The actions, which are taken because of the surveys, aimed at resolving the problems, identified by customers. The sooner the issues are resolved, the more chance is for the company to earn a good reputation, leaving customers with the confidence that their opinion is valued and always stands a call to action.

Field marketing software provides real-time data workflow. All the information, collected by field reps at points of sale, is automatically transferred to the corporate database and is available to managers for analysis. This allows reacting on customers needs and requests very quickly, creating an image of a customer-driven organization.

When coupled with sophisticated tools for mobile data collection, regular customer surveys allow companies to achieve the highest levels of customer satisfaction and loyalty, translated directly into opportunities to increase sales and improve their overall performance.

VisitBasis offers a field marketing software solution that is affordable to any company and extremely easy to implement. Just register account at www.visitbasis.com to get your free access to our field marketing software and you’ll be up and running in just a few minutes.

To try our data collection software for free register at www.visitbasis.com and download the VisitBasis Retail Audit App FREE on Google Play or App Store. To learn more about how our field merchandising system works request a demo or check the links below to watch the demo videos.