20 August 2015

Time is the most valuable resource that outside sales reps have. Being targeted with their time allows sales reps to focus on the right opportunities at the right time. Therefore it's critically important for outside sales reps to stay organized during a workday. The development of mobile applications for outside sales reps provides new opportunities for mobile workforce to get organized and better manage time. Empowered with a mobile application for tablets and smartphones, outside sales reps can significantly increase their sales results since they are always able to do following things:
  • Be aware of when and where to carry out retail visits – Once an office manager creates the schedule of visits using sales team management software, it’s instantly available for outside sales reps on their mobile devices. They also have mobile access to all the information about each point of sale, including location; contacts, equipment installed and more, and can optimize travel routes by themselves to get the shortest path for the day.
  • Know exactly what tasks should be performed – Along with the schedule outside sales reps can view on their tablets and smarthones the assigned tasks, including actions to be performed, recommended time, multimedia attachments, and notes, made by their managers.
  • Have a clear understanding of how to act at points of sale – All the actions that have to be done are clearly identified in each task. Task templates display the order of actions and determine the types of answers required. So, using a mobile app to perform retail visits, your outside sales reps always know exactly what to do and how.
  • Instantly access all the information they need – Field sales applications provide mobile access to corporate database anywhere, anytime. Your field reps have all the information about customers, products, orders/returns, price lists and recommended product quantities, history of previous visits, retail and merchandising audits performed, photo reports and more.  
  • Gather store data faster, minimizing mistakes – Using mobile tools for store data collection, like electronic order/return forms, automated data entry, built-in photo reports, bar code products search, and electronic signatures, saves great amount of time for outside sales reps, so they can concentrate on interactions with customers, driving larger order size. 
  • Report instantly without investing any time at all – All the data on the actions performed at points of sale, including tasks execution, photos, text notes, orders/returns, GPS-locations, and travel routes, is instantly transferred to corporate database and available to managers. So, your outside sales reps don’t have to visit the office to provide a report.

Help your field reps to get organized and obtain more time for negotiating with customers. Implement a mobile application for outside sales reps today and see amazing increase of your reps’ productivity straight away!

VisitBasis offers companies to try free edition of its comprehensive field activity management and retail execution software. Register at www.visitbasis.com to get your free trial today!

To try our data collection software for free register at www.visitbasis.com and download the VisitBasis Retail Audit App FREE on Google Play or App Store. To learn more about how our field merchandising system works request a demo or check the links below to watch the demo videos.