18 August 2015

Customer satisfaction ratings reflect their perception of a company’s activities. Therefore companies focus on improving customer service to retain existing and gain new customers. Effective customer satisfaction surveys provide the insights to create and reinforce pleasurable customer experiences. Consider the following steps to develop effective surveys that turn into the timely data-driven decisions:

1. Define your goals

The goals of the customer survey execution define the questions that should be asked. So, the first step in creating a customer survey is to answer the question “Why do we need this information”? “To improve service”, “to increase customer loyalty”, “to identify how the company stands against it’s competitors”…Answers can vary.  The overall goal of all customer surveys is to find out whether customers are satisfied or not. To get more detailed information you need to set more specific targets like identifying company’s rating, evaluating certain aspects or areas of service, gathering demographic data from the customers and so on.

2. Select your survey tool

Traditional paper-based surveys take a lot of time due to manual data entry, causing customers’ denial to answer the questions. Having the up-to-date data collection instruments like field marketing software allows field reps to significantly reduce the time of data entry, paying maximum attention to interaction with customers and being personal instead of concentrating on filling out paper forms.

The moment and the place where the data is captured can make all the difference in the overall value of your survey results. That’s why the most sophisticated field marketing software vendors offer customers offline functionality, allowing field reps to quickly conduct surveys even when Internet connection is unavailable. 
3. Develop a questionnaire

To get the right information you should ask the right questions. Field marketing software allows creating various customer feedback forms in just a click of a button. Keep your survey length short and questions clear to engage customers and keep them focused, ask between 5 – 10 questions. All the questions should meet the goal of your survey and be specific (E.g. the question “Do you regularly buy XXX milk?” is deficiently specific, the better choice is to ask “Do you buy XXX milk at least once a week”?). Allow some open-ended questions at the end to identify what areas your customers are most concerned about.

By moving your customers survey execution to VisitBasis, you gain access to the comprehensive survey tool with offline data collection capabilities. Powerful task-builder lets you create the optimal questionnaires for your customers promoting engagement and producing valuable results to act on.  Sign up today for a free trial at www.visitbasis.com or book a demo to see how it works.

To try our data collection software for free register at www.visitbasis.com and download the VisitBasis Retail Audit App FREE on Google Play or App Store. To learn more about how our field merchandising system works request a demo or check the links below to watch the demo videos.