Retail data collection allows companies to manage store performance in a more cost-effective way. The use of efficient and accurate data collection methods ensure statistically reliable results to understand the present and plan the future. Real-time monitoring of data collection activities provides actionable insights for sales managers. Adopting a mobile data collection software solution for retail execution enables manufacturers and retailers to perform their own retail audits so they can get a clear picture of retail conditions.

VisitBasis has developed an easy-to-use data collection software solution that automates your field process giving you time to focus on your retail operations. VisitBasis uses the latest mobile technology to maximize the efficiency and effectiveness of retail data collection. Our comprehensive and easy-to-deploy software solution for retail data collection allows field reps to conduct retail audits using mobile devices.

In order to obtain a precise picture of retail conditions, all the data collected at stores must be reported and analyzed properly. With the VisitBasis data collection solution, real-time reports are instantly available online as retail visits take place. To supplement data collection with sophisticated data harmonization and aggregation, VisitBasis generates several types of analytic reports with info on user, customer, visit, task, order, timing and location information.

The Advantages of Paperless Data Collection

Using present-day mobile technologies for paperless data collection allows retailers to gather real-time store data in order to streamline retail operations for greater efficiency and profitability.

By using VisitBasis data collection software you are able to:

  • Configure forms, data and workflow using customizable mobile forms to perform a great variety of data collection missions;
  • Instantly aggregate store data with real-time Dashboard and Reports;
  • Get the exact data you need using powerful Simple Query Filters;
  • Securely access corporate data in the Cloud relying on the best service availability;
  • Streamline field team operations by provide role-based access to corporate data;
  • Integrate retail data to your corporate software.