27 August 2019

BrandML, How it Works

BrandML is the image recognition technology developed by VisitBasis. It comes as a breakthrough upgrade as it allows the mobile merchandising system to identify information and quantify data directly from photos of outlet shelves, giving management the ability to act on timely, up-to-date, store KPIs.

How does BrandML work?

  1. First, the client provides sample pictures of their product on outlet shelves to the VisitBasis team, who feeds them into the BrandML neuro network, teaching it to recognize the target product or products. This process takes just a few days.

  2. Once BrandML is “trained”, the system is ready for use. Merchandisers and other field staff can start taking pictures with their mobile app. Once they synchronize their systems, uploading the pictures to the Cloud, BrandML will identify the target product faces and compare them to competitor products, generating a share of shelf chart.

  3. Finally, the uploaded pictures also provide the data required for managers and other stakeholders to generate their own timely reports and visualizations - from their own devices and favorite platforms - on other important retail KPIs, such as product availability, share of shelf, out-of-stocks, competitor product availability, and promotions, among others.

For more information on how to implement the BrandML retail merchandising image recognition technology for your business, contact us at sales@visitbasis.com.