Retail inspection planning can be challenging. Traditional paper­based retail inspections are often time-consuming and inefficient. Retail inspection software helps retail professionals manage and streamline their inspection activities. Mobile devices such as tablets or smartphones running a mobile inspection software solution enable field reps to collect retail data with ease. A retail inspection software solution allows not only creating an instant electronic record of the inspection performed, but it also provides instant insights for field team managers. This reduces the time between identifying a situation that requires attention and correcting it. Paperless retail inspections also enable eliminating awkward data re-entry, saving time and minimizing mistakes.

The VisitBasis retail inspection software solution is a powerful tool designed to simplify and improve your organization’s inspection processes. With our solution, you can:

Create numerous forms and checklists. VisitBasis retail inspection software provides in-store capturing of real-time data to ensure that your products are positioned at the right pace and time with consumers.

Receive instant reports and manage operational priorities in real time. VisitBasis retail inspection software allows field service staff to submit retail audit reports as duties are performed.

Make better decisions using reliable up-to-date data. The VisitBasis dashboards and reports help you identify productive employees and perform workflow analysis, resulting in informed strategic decisions.

Perform inspections without paperwork. The use of mobile forms in the VisitBasis Retail Inspection App can help eliminate problems with manual data-entry errors, lost paperwork, and slow paper submissions.

Mostly, VisitBasis retail inspection software increases the accuracy of inspection information, reduces manual paperwork, eliminates data-entry mistakes and offers instant access to tools that aggregate and analyze your inspection data.