03 July 2015

VisitBasis - Field merchandising software. www.visitbasis.com

With the development of mobile technology people are accustomed to having everything they need at their fingertips. Therefore the number of operations that are turning to software applications to keep up is constantly growing. For field reps who are permanently on the go having a mobile app that can provide real-time access to corporate data from anywhere, simplify work operations and streamline data workflow, is clearly a must. Here are some examples of actions that a field rep can do with a VisitBasis retail execution mobile app.

  1. View the schedule of visits for today and for the next days, including customers’ location, tasks, notes and multimedia attachments. Enjoy mobile access to customers’ information, product catalog, and history of visits.
  2. Optimize travel routes to get the shortest path for the day and add extra visits and tasks from a mobile device.
  3. Perform all the tasks using just a smartphone or a tablet, gathering store data, answering task questions, taking photos and text notes with GPS stamps, conducting audits and surveys, collecting electronic signatures, maintaining shelves, and scanning barcodes.
  4. Take orders and returns with clients’ signatures that are instantly available for managers in the office.
  5. Send activity reports to the office via email. All the data, collected by a field rep, is transferred to the corporate database immediately due to automatic synchronization.

Thisw way of retail execution help field reps to improve their productivity, spending maximum time with customers and minimum time traveling between locations and to the office, filling out forms, and reporting.

Today the option of paperless retail execution is more affordable than ever. Sign up today at www.visitbasis.com to start your field team management in a new innovative way.

VisitBasis - Field rep team management app. Android and IOS.

VisitBasis retail audit software is extremely easy to deploy – and you can start it completely free. Just just register free account with VisitBasis at www.visitbasis.com, then download VisitBasis Retail Audit App FREE on Google Play or App Store and start working.

To learn more about how our field merchandising system works request a demo.