02 July 2015

VisitBasis - Field merchandising software. www.visitbasis.com

Managing field teams is a very challenging activity when all the workers are constantly on the go. The main challenge is dealing with many people, at many different locations, bringing in a lot of information on many products. Field team managers have to look through big amounts of data to make sure that all the checks were performed properly or even manually transfer data from paper reports to corporate database by themselves. As they become overwhelmed with more and more data workflow they simple don’t have time and enthusiasm to analyze trends to make strategic decisions.

Fortunately up-to-date mobile technologies allow field team managers to integrate tablets and smartphones into the business process to improve the efficiency of field teams performance. Field team management software is designed to simplify data management and streamline operations in the field. Let’s consider in what ways field team management software can improve the productivity of the whole process.

  1. Planning and scheduling made effortless. Field team management software provides great opportunities allowing managers to customize client info, product catalog, task templates, order forms and analytic reports within a single application. With field team management software managers are able to effortlessly schedule recurring visits, weeks or even months in advance and calculate the shortest customer route for each field rep.
  2. Streamlined data workflow. Field team management software enables companies to replace expensive and inefficient paper forms with a simple but powerful mobile app on their mobile devices. Field team management software enables field reps to collect information using common smartphones and tablets, transfer the data collected at stores automatically, easily integrating with a company’s backend system.
  3. Improved customer service. Having mobile access to all customers’ information, product catalog and history of previous visits field reps can better prepare to every store visit. Orders are collected as they happen and are instantly available for field team managers’ supervision. Real-time data workflow allows field team managers to identify situations that require their immediate attention and take measures to resolve them.

VisitBasis is a company specialized in the development of cost-effective, cutting-edge and comprehensive mobile solutions for field team management that aim to increase sales and reduce costs, improving the bottom-line of businesses that rely on field professionals. VisitBasis already offers a long list of benefits to managers and field reps in merchandising, retail audit and outside sales. Using VisitBasis your field team managers are able to:

  • Easily manage user, customer, and product databases and assign territories accordingly
  • Create advanced task templates with actions that include photos and signatures, among others
  • Effortlessly schedule recurring visits, weeks or even months in advance and calculate the shortest customer route for each field rep
  • Automatically capture new customer information while prospecting
  • Know where each mobile user is at any point in time and get up-to-the minute information on the activities being executed at each customer location
  • Generate reports with detailed timing and location information

The key benefit of our field team management software is that you can get it absolutely free. Sign up today at www.visitbasis.com to start your field team management in a new innovative way.

VisitBasis - Field rep team management app. Android and IOS.

VisitBasis retail audit software is extremely easy to deploy – and you can start it completely free. Just register with VisitBasis just register free account at www.visitbasis.com, then download VisitBasis Retail Audit App FREE on Google Play or App Store and start working.

To learn more about how our field merchandising system works request a demo.