11 July 2014

Miami, Florida (PRWEB)

“With a click of a button and within seconds users have displayed on their smartphone or tablet screens the most efficient route for the day”.

Route Optimization

VisitBasis has just launched version 1.5.31 of its field team management app on Apple Store and Google Play, which includes the advanced “Route Optimization” feature. It helps users increase revenues by improving the number of daily customer visits.

This new tool allows outside sales reps, merchandisers, service technicians, and other mobile professionals to automatically plan their customer rounds according to the best route calculated from the user’s initial position.

Instead of having to spend time planning who to visit first and where to go from there, with a click of a button and within seconds users will have displayed on their smartphone or tablet screens the most efficient route for the day, eliminating guesswork, wasted time and mileage between customers.

The new “Route Optimization” advanced feature adds to the already long list of benefits that VisitBasis offers. Among them are the ability to:

  • Automate scheduling and monitoring of mobile staff mapping and activities in real time;
  • Increase appointment effectiveness and shorten sales cycle by assigning personalized tasks and having product collaterals available at all times;
  • Request visit outcome data with customized surveys and task builder;
  • Collect customer’s signature, timestamp and geolocation;
  • Place orders and take returns with 1000s of SKUs;
  • Reduce costs in travel/paper and data entry errors. Simplify asset management;
  • Work online and offline and auto-syncing.

Visit VisitBasis webpage to get more information.