02 April 2018

No product on the store shelf means no sale. These days, it might even mean no customer, since the brand and store alternatives are so numerous and include online shopping. Therefore, more than ever, there needs to be almost an instant reaction to mission-critical situations such as out-of-stocks and damaged shipments.

However, traditional pen-and-paper store audits do not comply with the agility necessary for such situations, since it might take quite a while for the information to go from the rep performing the audit to the person responsible for correcting the issue.

A merchandising software solution is the ideal way to monitor mission-critical situations at stores. With a merchandising software solution, businesses are able to:

  • Learn in real-time about mission-critical situations at storesIn-store mobile data collection with a merchandising software solution means that the information collected during the visit is uploaded to the cloud as soon as it is synchronized. This allows managers and other office-based staff to have instant access to reports on mission-critical situations and address them accordingly.
  • Create a schedule of recurring visitsIssues such as frequent out-of-stocks only happen because of lack of oversight at the store level. Effective merchandising software solutions allow creating a schedule of frequent recurring store audits in order to monitor problem locations or product lines.
  • Detect trends in dataBy having access to data from several recurring store audits through a merchandising software solution, management can easily run reports on such information and detect trends that can be helpful in predicting future out-of-stocks and other issues.

Does your company have store issues such as frequent out-of-stocks or other mission-critical events? Let VisitBasis help! Sign up today at www.visitbasis.com for a free trial, or book a free online demo and let us show you how it works.

To try our data collection software for free register at www.visitbasis.com and download the VisitBasis Retail Audit App FREE on Google Play or App Store. To learn more about how our field merchandising system works request a demo or check the links below to watch the demo videos.