20 February 2018

Sales people in general hate supervision. As a career that requires an independent personality from professionals, outside sales attracts people that are naturally wary of extra supervision.

So how come outside sales teams tend to love rep-tracking apps?

Well, some would think that the only function of such an application is to monitor GPS positioning throughout the day. However, sales rep tracking apps do more than that:  They are a de-facto mobile sales call interface.

With a sales rep tracking app such as VisitEye, outside salespeople can plan their daily visits, optimize their routes in order to save time and mileage, register new prospects, and also report on performed activities.

Taking these extra features of sales rep tracking apps into account, one can see how professionals that value independence will appreciate the freedom from off-hours reporting as well as the extra empowerment that comes with being able to better control their schedule.

VisitEye is a sales rep tracking app designed specifically for businesses that rely on professionals such as outside sales reps, retail auditors, inspectors, etc. VisitEye offers a straightforward solution for field staff tracking that is easy to implement and use, with no need for IT department assistance.

Want to see how VisitEye sales rep tracking app works? Sign up today for a free trial at www.visiteye.com.

To try our data collection software for free register at www.visitbasis.com and download the VisitBasis Retail Audit App FREE on Google Play or App Store. To learn more about how our field merchandising system works request a demo or check the links below to watch the demo videos.