28 September 2016

Mobile technology is everywhere. From gaming to medical devices, almost every field has a mobile application of its own. In some fields, however, mobile applications can pose a distraction or incur in excessive costs. That's not the case with data collection.

Mobile data collection software brings considerable savings compared to the old pen-and-paper alternative. These savings include:

  • Time: Filling forms and then transcribing them is time-consuming and tedious. Mobile data collection software not only allows reps to collect information on their smartphones or tablets but it also provides tools for optimizing forms and does away with transcribing.
  • Personnel: As mentioned above, mobile data collection software eliminates data transcribing, meaning that the staff that used to be allocated to this tedious task can now perform other responsibilities.
  • Paper: Eliminating paper forms and transitioning to mobile ones means getting rid of the huge volume and weigh that paperwork generates, along with the expense.
  • Mileage and fuel: State-of-the-art mobile data collection software includes tools that allow field staff to calculate their shortest route for the day when visiting several locations.
  • Time, again: Mobile data collection software not only streamlines the activity of data collection and transcribing, but it also makes it much more straightforward to run reports, translating in faster and more effective decision-making.
Ready to try the benefits of mobile data collection software? Sign up today at www.visitbasis.com for a free trial, or book a free online demo and let us show you how it works.

To try our data collection software for free register at www.visitbasis.com and download the VisitBasis Retail Audit App FREE on Google Play or App Store. To learn more about how our field merchandising system works request a demo or check the links below to watch the demo videos.