29 August 2016

Data collection in retail used to be limited by the data compiling and processing capacity of the business conducting the operation, whether it was a retailer, a sales and marketing company, or the merchandising department of a CPG manufacturer.

Some surveys, for instance, had to be limited to especially selected markets or even stores in order to get a sample of shoppers similar to the product's target audience so data transcription and processing wouldn't slow down critical go-to-market decisions.

Mobile data collection software has revolutionized this scenario. With mobile data collection software, field reps can perform surveys, product tastings, etc., at the point-of-sale on their own mobile devices, and the information collected will be instantly available for management to analyze and use as part of their decision-making process.

Therefore, by doing away with the limitations of data transcription and processing, mobile data collection software opens the door for better strategic decision-making based on a much broader, more representative of the target market, sample size.

VisitBasis mobile data collection software is an ideal solution for business conducting in-store activities such as surveys, product tastings, audits, planogram checks, among others, that require customized forms along with real-time access and analysis of the data being collected.

Easy to use and implement, VisitBasis streamlines data collection for retail businesses of all sizes and is fully cross-platform, working both on iOS and Android smartphones and tablets.

Want to see how VisitBasis mobile data collection software works? Sign up for a free trial or schedule an online demo!

To try our data collection software for free register at www.visitbasis.com and download the VisitBasis Retail Audit App FREE on Google Play or App Store. To learn more about how our field merchandising system works request a demo or check the links below to watch the demo videos.