13 July 2016

As strategists can tell us, knowledge is the most important thing if one wants to beat the competition.

For consumer product goods (CPG) and fast-moving consumer goods (FMCC), the battle for the customer's wallet happens at the point-of-sale level, and this is why store audits are so important.

A store audit app will not only help field reps to more efficiently collect competitor information, but also allows brand and category managers to get faster access to this information and act swiftly to take advantage of opportunities and/or to prevent losing market share.

Among other benefits, a store audit app will provide the following competition monitoring tools:
  • The ability to schedule and plan regular visits in order to get the right competitor information at the right time.
  • Full customization of task forms and surveys, so the field rep will collect the exact information needed.
  • The power to capture photos, so not only pricing, and shelf count and position can be analyzed, but also packaging and seasonal displays and promotions.
  • A state-of-the-art store audit app will also allow for instant notifications of specific tasks so, for instance, a category manager can be notified when a field rep performs a task called "competitor price drop".
VisitBasis Store Audit app is a complete retail audit solution that offers all the elements needed to perform mobile POS audits and surveys in one package.

Stay on top of your competition! Learn more at www.visitbasis.com. VisitBasis Store Audit app is available at Google Play and App Store and can be downloaded for free for an unlimited number of users.

To try our data collection software for free register at www.visitbasis.com and download the VisitBasis Retail Audit App FREE on Google Play or App Store. To learn more about how our field merchandising system works request a demo or check the links below to watch the demo videos.