24 May 2016

Every sales manager gets anxious for the end of the month, when sales results come in and it becomes possible to know whether the organization is on track for the fiscal year, or not.

Sales tracking software makes it possible for managers to monitor day-by-day sales operations, allowing them to visualize every sales call for every rep in any territory. This makes it easier not only to see the numbers as the orders come in, but to spot situations that might prevent successful results and act faster to correct the course.

For instance, with a sales tracking software sales managers would be able to tell that a specific sales rep is seeing fewer costumers than desired every day. Or maybe a certain retail location has consistent out-of-stocks for a best-selling product and could place larger orders less frequently, freeing its sales rep to visit other customers. A state-of-the-art sales tracking software with mobile app for field reps may even eliminate in-between-calls or after-hours reporting and free up rep time to call on more customers.

More than a monitoring tool, sales tracking software can therefore become an invaluable instrument in mentoring outside sales reps so that revenue numbers will consistently grow.

VisitBasis is a comprehensive sales tracking software: It improves communication between sales management and the field so outside reps can have all the tools they need to succeed at their fingertips. And there is no need to invest in new hardware since the free VisitBasis mobile app works on most smartphones and tablets.

With VisitBasis Sales Tracking Software field reps are able to:

  • Place orders and supply call-related information from wherever they are;
  • Calculate the best route for the day, saving time and travel costs;
  • Have access to customer and product databases, including the ability of adding new customers.

Try VisitBasis for free! Visit www.visitbasis.com to sign up.

To try our data collection software for free register at www.visitbasis.com and download the VisitBasis Retail Audit App FREE on Google Play or App Store. To learn more about how our field merchandising system works request a demo or check the links below to watch the demo videos.