06 April 2016
Field merchandising software can be an invaluable tool in unleashing brand growth and therefore increasing market share in consumer product goods (CPG). Through systematic retail audits done with the aid of field merchandising software, brand managers can have easy access to the specific aspects of their merchandising strategy and correct any deviations from a successful course of action.

Therefore, it is paramount that field merchandising software come with the ability to customize input forms, so field reps can quickly enter data on important retail parameters, such as the following:

  • Stock availability - No stock means no sale.  An out-of-stock also brings the risk of losing a customer and, with it, market share.
  • Price - Another important factor on market share. If a product is priced out of the range of its competitors, it might send a wrong message (Cheaply made? Too expensive?). Field merchandising software allows brand owners to swiftly act on correcting price discrepancies as soon as they are reported by field reps.
  • Shelf location - As a general merchandising rule, the products located at eye-level and closer to the center of the aisle will sell more, but prime space will cost more when negotiating with a retailer. Through photos, field merchandising software can help design and evaluate a shelf location strategy that best suits each brand. 

VisitBasis was designed by merchandisers, for merchandisers. It is a complete field merchandising software solution that allows you to quickly and easily implement a cost-efficient point-of-sale data collection system with no need for technical knowledge.

You can schedule a VisitBasis Merchandising software demo by clicking here.

Watch the below video how VisitBasis Field Merchandising Software integrates with a chat solution that allows for instant notification of issues such as out-of-stocks, price discrepancies, and wrong shelving:

To try our data collection software for free register at www.visitbasis.com and download the VisitBasis Retail Audit App FREE on Google Play or App Store. To learn more about how our field merchandising system works request a demo or check the links below to watch the demo videos.