07 January 2016
Once the holidays are gone, it is time for your company to set up goals and priorities for the New Year. January is a perfect month to make your hiring decisions and here is why:
  1. More people want to change their lives in January than any other time of the year, looking for a fresh start and new opportunities. When top performers get their bonuses they are ready to move to the next level. With more candidates looking for new career opportunities, your chance of recruiting top performing field reps is much bigger.
  2. The period after holidays is great for recruiting because it’s easier to schedule interviews when most of candidates are at their desks, hiring managers are eager to work and employed professionals want improve their lives, ready to new opportunities with your company.
  3. Hiring at the beginning of the year helps you save your budget. Later-in-the-year job offers tend to pay the bonus amounts accumulated at a previous company. Hiring in the beginning of the year lets you appreciate efforts for working for your company and also allows easily fitting new employees into your new budget.

Hiring and retaining top performing sales reps is one of the biggest challenges for field service-based organizations. Ensuring an effective hiring process a company can avoid costly reps’ turnover. The essential step in hiring top performing sales reps is to understand what personal qualities characterize a successful salesperson. Top performing sales representatives can be usually characterized as:
  • Passionate about sales
  • Self-confident
  • Goal-oriented
  • Results-driven
  • Coachable
  • Sociable
  • Flexible
  • Self-regulating
  • Communicative
  • Reactive
Knowing these qualities is important, if you want to hire good sales reps, but it’s also necessary to adapt this set of personal characteristics to your business specific. To find the exact qualities, a rep needs to be successful in your company, turn your attention to your top-performing field reps. By tracking the successful field reps you can better understand the qualities that help them to sell your products and then use this information for hiring new field reps, looking for the same attributes.

To get more information about field team management, visit www.visitbasis.com, or read our previous articles.

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