31 December 2015

Companies around the world use merchandising to establish positive experience between brands and consumers. Merchandising is one of the basic aspects of retail management that allows analyzing product placement and display in order to stay competitive and to maximize sales.

Merchandising software is designed to streamline data collection activities and reduce data collection costs. Below you’ll find some ways to improve merchandising performance by virtue of a merchandising software solution.
  • Organize store shelves to make them more appealing to consumers. Merchandising software gives merchandisers an opportunity to act faster improving shelf organization and be more efficient. Built-in photo reports, barcode product search, and automated data entry are the essential tools designed to control product’s location, the number of facings and price, and make sure that there are no gaps between products on the shelf.
  • Maintain proper stock levels to prevent negative impact on sales numbers and brand image. Implementing a merchandising software solution with ordering capabilities is the best way to reduce negative impact of out-of-stocks as well as damaged and overstock items to your business. A comprehensive merchandising software solution allows merchandisers to make product orders and returns from any store with just a couple of clicks on a tablet or a smartphone. Moreover, when using a mobile data collection system, merchandisers can view recommended order quantities and order history on their mobile devices to create reasonable orders.
  • Ensure promotional compliance. Merchandising software is the best tool to ensure your promotions are being followed in compliance with your marketing strategy and your POS materials are properly used at retail locations. Merchandising software allows easily creating planogram check task forms using MSL (Must Stock List) and product counts and supplementing data collection forms with text notes, images, PDFs, videos, and other files, useful for compliance-checking activities.
  • Know your customers. Merchandising software allows conducting customer surveys to capture accurate, live data that can be analyzed in real time back at the home office. The more you know about your customers, the easier it is to increase sales. Whether you are processing customer or employee surveys, or market research surveys, sort your report data using sophisticated retail merchandising software filters to get the information you really need at a click of a button.

To get more information on how to improve your merchandising performance, visit www.visitbasis.com.

To try our data collection software for free register at www.visitbasis.com and download the VisitBasis Retail Audit App FREE on Google Play or App Store. To learn more about how our field merchandising system works request a demo or check the links below to watch the demo videos.