10 December 2015

VisitBasis - Reatil audit software for field team.

With today’s mobile technology field marketing activities do not have to be costly, which makes big data becomes increasingly affordable even for small companies. When switching to paperless retail data collection by virtue of a mobile field marketing software solution for tablets and smartphones, a company can significantly reduce the cost of field marketing activities while increasing efficiency and improving the bottom line. The up-to-date field marketing software solutions allow companies to develop low-cost data collection strategies that have high return on investment. Here are the main ways that a company can reduce data collection costs, when leveraging mobile data collection technology in the field.

Make Away with Data Storage & Transfer Costs by Moving to the Cloud

To eliminate data storage costs, look for field marketing software vendors who offer free Cloud storage as part of their service. By the way, when you adopt a field marketing software solution that runs in the Cloud, you can count on the best service availability and the highest speed of data workflow, which is particularly important when your company is multinational or runs in different countries and time zones. Being on the Cloud also makes it possible for field representatives to collect data offline and sync when Wi-Fi connection is established, which helps reduce data transfer costs.

Eliminate Hardware Costs by Implementing BYOD-Strategy for Retail Data Collection.

The up-to-date field marketing software solutions run common software platforms, such as Android and iOS, which allows using personal tablets and smartphones to perform tasks at points of sale. Instead of the company purchasing tablets and smartphones, field representatives are encouraged to use their own devices to perform data collection tasks, so a company can reduce communication costs and eliminate the cost of hardware. Besides saving on hardware, a company saves time and money on staff training making field reps more effective and satisfied when using a device they’ve already get used to.

VisitBasis - Field merchandising software.

Start today by registering with VisitBasis at www.visitbasis.com, then download VisitBasis Retail Execution App FREE on Google Play or App Store and start working.

To learn more about how our field merchandising system works request a demo.