01 December 2015

Managing mobile workforce is quite a challenge. During a workday merchandisers are constantly on the go, so you can’t monitor their performance with your own eyes. Due to the specific of merchandiser’s job disputed issues may arise, when assessing merchandisers’ performance. The best way to prevent such issues and make sure that your merchandisers do great job at every single moment of the day, is monitoring of merchandiser’s performance by virtue of a mobile merchandising software solution installed on their tablets and smartphone.

It should be mentioned that most of the companies do not monitor their mobile workforce, putting themselves at risk of getting an incorrect picture of merchandising performance and denying the opportunity of increasing the efficiency of merchandising operations. Merchandising software for tablets and smartphones provides merchandisers with all necessary data and tools to perform various tasks at retail locations while allowing simultaneously inconspicuous tracking of their activities and real-time data workflow.

The most tech savvy field service-based companies implement merchandising software for the following reasons:

  • Ensuring that merchandisers visit all the locations at proper time, and all the tasks at each point of sale were performed correctly. Merchandising software provides GPS-tracking of field merchandisers, so you are able to see their actual locations and keep watch over their routes for the day. On the other hand your merchandisers always have proof that they are visiting all locations, so they are protected if any controversial issue arises.
  • Getting real-time picture of retail conditions. The most wonderful thing about merchandising software is that your merchandisers don’t have to spend a single minute to report back to the office on the activities performed, and supervisors can easily get the exact information they need at just few clicks of a button. Merchandising software solution provides time stamped and GPS-confirmed data as soon as it has been collected.
  • Having precise information on the work hours. When it comes to mobile workforce timesheets, it’s really hard to estimate how much time merchandisers spend actually working, and if the time is being wasted. The up-to-date merchandising software solutions enable time tracking that allows clearly estimating the working time of each merchandiser. For merchandisers time tracking guarantees that they’ll get compensation for the extra hours they’ve spend working and any disputable situations can be resolved fairly.
  • Preventing fraudulent reports. When merchandisers use a merchandising software solution to perform tasks at retail locations, their supervisors can instantly see, where exactly the tasks were performed, when the activity was started and how much time has been spent for each task. Merchandising software also provides an opportunity to monitor merchandiser’s routes for the workday, including the information on course, mileage and travel time. Time and GPS-tracking of all field activities make it totally impossible for merchandisers to generate fake reports and overstate mileage.

Ready to take the advantages of merchandising software as a performance-tracking tool? Sign up today for a free trial at www.visitbasis.com or schedule a free demo to get more information on how it works.

VisitBasis retail audit software is extremely easy to deploy. Just register your account with VisitBasis at www.visitbasis.com, then download VisitBasis Retail Audit App FREE on Google Play or App Store and start working.

To learn more about how our field merchandising system works request a demo or check the links below to watch the demo videos.