10 November 2015

Retail audit software is a comprehensive retail data collection system that allows you to fully automate data capture in the field. Besides data capture, transfer, storage, analysis and sharing capabilities, retail audit software gives users all the necessary tools to manage mobile workforce, monitor all field activities and communicate with field reps directly using a retail audit mobile app.

When it comes to monitoring of field team performance, companies face significant challenges arising from the specific of retail audits. Field reps collect store data outside the office, so you can’t monitor their performance with your own eyes. Therefore, to implement field team performance tracking, most tech savvy companies leverage mobile technology that can provide real-time picture of retail conditions in the field. Retail audit software is a unique solution for manufacturers and distributors to provide field reps’ performance tracking.

How exactly does retail audit software work as a performance tracking tool?

  • Field team managers create the schedule of retail visits for field reps and assign tasks to each visit.
  • As soon as the schedule is ready, your field reps already have all the information in their tablets or smartphones.
  • Empowered with a retail audit app, field reps capture store data using just their tablets or smartphones.
  • During workday managers can monitor field reps’ locations, activities and routes in real time on the map.
  • If necessary, field team managers can reschedule appointments for field reps, change routes or contact them them via the application
  • As visits and tasks are being performed, managers get time stamped and GPS-confirmed data from points of sale, including photos, numbers, text notes, electronic signatures
  • Managers can always get the reports on locations and work hours at a click of a button, getting the exact data they need at the moment.

Retail audit software implementation gives significant advantages for both office managers and field reps.
  • Using a retail audit software solution allows your field reps to perform in-store tasks very quickly, while minimizing mistakes and being more efficient.
  • Office managers and supervisors, in their turn, receive an opportunity to track all merchandising activities in the field, getting time stamped and GPS-confirmed data, as soon as it has been collected.
  • Your field reps now do not have to visit the office to receive tasks and report back – the reporting is automated and doesn’t take anyone’s time.
  • Time stamping and geo-tagging allows completely eliminating fraudulent reports – you can always see where exactly the activity was performed and how much time it has taken.
  • Field reps even do not notice they are being tracked, because tracking does not interfere with their activities.

Ready to take the advantages of retail audit software as a performance-tracking tool? Sign up today at www.visitbasis.com for a free trial or schedule a free demo to get more information on how it works.

To try our data collection software for free register at www.visitbasis.com and download the VisitBasis Retail Audit App FREE on Google Play or App Store. To learn more about how our field merchandising system works request a demo or check the links below to watch the demo videos.