04 November 2015
One of the biggest challenges for field service-based organizations is hiring and retaining good sales reps. It can be expensive for the company if the wrong sales reps are hired, due to costly reps turnover. That’s why it’s so important to ensure an effective hiring process. The essential step in hiring good field sales reps is to understand what personal qualities characterize a successful salesperson. In our today’s article we’ll talk about people’s personal characteristics that are required for successful sales.

A good field sales representative is:
  • Passionate about sales – The main job of a field sales rep is selling, so to succeed in selling a field sales rep should have a deep dedication to what makes their job.
  • Confident – Field sales reps hear "no" more often than other staff, but they never give up on unsold customers, knowing that someday they can buy. Taking “no” as a challenge and thinking of a failed attempt as an opportunity for the future are the abilities inherent to the most successful sales reps.
  • Goal-oriented – Successful field reps are able to set goals for themselves and are ready to work hard to achieve them, having a need to succeed in everything they do.
  • Results-driven – Top performing sales reps follow up with their customers, understand their sales cycles and know when to push to make the deal.
  • Coachable – Well-coached field sales teams work more efficiently, constantly outperforming the competition. Successful field reps want to develop their professional skills and are able to quickly turn coaching into results.
  • Sociable – The most successful field sale reps are able to get along with many people and are comfortable in different social circumstances.
  • Flexible – Successful salespeople are able to quickly react to changes, deal with many balls in the air and constantly adapt their selling strategies to the new circumstances.
  • Self-regulating – To succeed in field sales, a rep should be good in organizing, time planning, and setting priorities.
  • Communicative – A field sales rep serves as the go-between for a company, selling products and customers, purchasing them, and should be able to communicate with both parties quickly and efficiently.
  • Reactive – One of the most important characteristics of a good field rep is his ability to respond promptly to requests from the managers and react quickly to customer’s needs.
The listed above qualities are generally inherent to successful salespeople. Without any doubt, each company has specific products and particular business processes, which may influence the set of reps’ qualities, required for successful sales.  To identify personal qualities that make top-performers in your company, track these reps and try to understand their strengths to see what attributes to look for in new employees. A field team management software solution can help to quickly rank reps, evaluating KPIs and analyzing how effectively sales reps spend their work time.

To get free access to field team management software, sign up at www.visitbasis.com
To get more information about field team management, please, read our previous articles.

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