31 August 2015

Proper merchandising is the key to boost sales and improve brand loyalty. A planogram is an important merchandising tool, designed to streamline presenting products to consumers. Planogram development and execution is the essential part of merchandising strategy. A well-executed planogram encourages shoppers to make a purchase, and even buy more products than they had intended to.Arranging related products within reach of each other, at the proper shelf level, and at the right price, retailers stimulate sales.

FMCG and CPG organizations mostly use text-based planograms while Apparel & Accessories companies prefer visual planograms and presentations to better identify each product.

The main purposes of creating planograms are the following:

  • To indicate the amount of space and store location for various products.
  • To increase in-store compliance.
  • To provide inventory control.
  • To present new ideas for product displays.

If your company is not using planograms yet, you should consider the opportunities to start. If you are already using planograms, you can significantly improve retail space planning by implementing a comprehensive merchandising software solution. Merchandising software is a comprehensive tool for retail execution that allows companies to plan, organize and control all merchandising activities, including planogram compliance checks.

Planogram checks with VisitBasis.pdf

VisitBasis - Merchandising Solution and field rep automatization tool.

Retail Space Planning: Make it Work with VisitBasis

VisitBasis is all-in-one merchandising software solution that provides great opportunities for store planogram development and further execution to improve efficiency at the shelf, reduce out-of-stocks and overstocks, and increase in-store compliance. Our merchandising software solution empowers managers to build and manage more planograms in less time.

Planogram development and execution is extremely easy with VisitBasis:

  • With MSL (Must Stock List) and product counts you can quickly built store-specific planograms.
  • Our simple, but powerful task builder allows easily creating planogram check task forms. You can supplement all the tasks with text documents, PDFs, presentations, images and videos, helpful for merchandising activities.
  • Your merchandisers can execute planogram checks in-store with VisitBasis Mobile App for Android and iOS tablets and smartphones, collecting required data, making photo reports, running price audits and etc. All the data collected in the field is instantly transferred to corporate database, so managers can control planogram checks execution in real time.
  • VisitBasis merchandising software allows you to aggregate and store planogram compliance data in one place. Excel Reports, BigQuery Reports, Analytics charts and graphs are available to analyze store data, collected during planogram compliance checks.

The most important thing that should be mentioned separately, is that VisitBasis delivers more than just planogram software, providing scheduling and monitoring tools for merchandisers, electronic order forms, powerful analytic capabilities and more to organize all kinds of merchandising activities in your company and make merchandising execution a breeze. This means, for example, that when your merchandiser finds out the lack of certain product in a particular store, he can easily make an order using the VisitBasis merchandising app. The information on the order made in the field is instantly available for office managers due to automatic synchronization, so they can take appropriate actions to avoid out-of-stock.

Ready to take your planograms and retail space planning to the next level? Start you retail sales automation completely free today after registering at www.visitbasis.com. Check our Planogram Checks With VisitBasis Guide, or read our previous articles on planogram compliance checks.

VisitBasis - Field mobile retail data collection app, www.visitbasis.com

Check our Planogram Checks With VisitBasis Guide, or read our previous articles on planogram compliance checks.

VisitBasis retail audit software is extremely easy to deploy – and you can start it completely free. Just register with VisitBasis just register free account at www.visitbasis.com, then download VisitBasis Retail Audit App FREE on Google Play or App Store and start working.

To learn more about how our field merchandising system works request a demo or check the links below to watch the demo videos.