25 August 2015

If we ask field reps about the most time-consuming things in the field that keep them from producing results, they will immediately identify the following: traveling between locations, filling out paper forms and reporting on the job done. Though everything listed above is the important part of field performance and can’t be eliminated completely, it’s still possible to significantly reduce the time required for these activities, so your field reps can get additional time vital for their overall performance. 

When implementing a field service management software solution, companies give their field reps great opportunities to enhance their productivity due to automated data entry, instant reporting, mobile data collection and electronic purchase order forms.

On the other hand a GPS-tracking feature, integrated to up-to-date field service management solutions is an effective way to increase field reps’ productivity through monitoring their activities and keeping track of retail performance. Field service management software allows managers to eliminate the daunting task of collecting and maintaining data about field sales reps. Here are the main reasons to track your field reps:
  • Increased productivity. Tracking your reps’ activities and travel routes is a simple way to hold your field sales team accountable. When your field reps know the managers are monitoring them, they begin to perform better, trying to reach all the scheduled locations and maximize their productivity.
  • Field performance properly evaluated. Field team management software enables managers to determine when field reps start and complete retail visits and tasks, and compare the actual to scheduled time. Having access to Web-based dashboards and repors, sales managers are able to see tasks results and the number of activities cpmpleted, and can easily identify who is performing well in the field and who isn’t doing their part.
  • Improved customer service. Conducting retail visits on time is critically important to maintaining customer satisfaction. Empowered with comprehensive field service management software and being able to monitor field reps’ travel routes and current locations, a manager can easily reroute the available field rep on the go to the required location.
  • Refined logistics. Along with field tracking capabilities field team management software provides companies with the unique territory management features. Having access to time stamped and GPS-confirmed data on field performance, field team managers can easily adjust sales territories, minimizing travel time and costs.

Ready to try the completely new way of field sales management? Start with VisitBasis – an all-in-one field team management and mobile workforce tracking tool that helps you to aggregate and manage actual and reliable data on your field team performance.

To get your free trial register now at www.visitbasis.com

To try our data collection software for free register at www.visitbasis.com and download the VisitBasis Retail Audit App FREE on Google Play or App Store. To learn more about how our field merchandising system works request a demo or check the links below to watch the demo videos.