14 July 2015

Today BYOD is changing the way software is managed and secured. As personal mobile devices became increasingly affordable, the growing number of people began using tablets and smartphones to work outside the office.

Field representatives, who are constantly on the go, have one of the greatest needs for a mobile approach to performing tasks at points of sale. A BYOD policy enables companies leveraging mobile technologies to improve field reps’ productivity and decrease enterprise hardware expenditure.

More importantly, by implementing BYOD strategy a company can also get:
1. Happier field reps Using their familiar personal devices keeps field reps more comfortable for the following reasons:
  • They do not have to carry additional company-owned tablet or smartphone along with their own mobile device.
  • They don't have to switch attention between their own and a company-owned devices.
  • They probably love the device and it’s features because they have once chosen it for themselves.

2. Field reps, who can work more productively. Paired with a field reps application for tablets and smartphones, BYOD enhances employee productivity because:
  • They are familiar with the operating platform and features of the device and do not have to think how to deal with the interface or spend time to be trained how to operate it.
  • All work tools appear in a format your field reps are familiar with.
  • Field reps can perform great variety of tasks using just a tablet or a smartphone.
  • The technology itself becomes less distractive making field reps more focused and productive.

Having all mobile tools on a single device, which they are used to and familiar with, your field reps become more engaged and productive performing various tasks easily and efficiently. Starting new tasks and activities becomes easier and faster with BYOD as field reps are confident in devices they use and there is no learning curve to overcome.

The VisitBasis Mobile Application for field reps work on newer mobile platforms such as Apple's iOS and Google's Android, which enables BYOD policy implementation. The App can be downloaded absolutely free for any number of users on Google Play and App Store. Sign up today at www.visitbasis.com to get your free access to our field team management software.

To try our data collection software for free register at www.visitbasis.com and download the VisitBasis Retail Audit App FREE on Google Play or App Store. To learn more about how our field merchandising system works request a demo or check the links below to watch the demo videos.