30 June 2015

VisitBasis - Merchandising Solution and field rep automatization tool.

Retailers in today’s fast-moving world are leveraging personal mobile devices to the field to optimize performance and control inventory. VisitBasis merchandising software is a complete retail management system to manage your merchandising operations with ease. Let’s consider in what ways VisitBasis merchandising software can help company reduce costs and increase productivity of merchandising operations.

Get Vital Marketing Strategies.

VisitBasis merchandising software provides fast and accurate store data collection using Android and iOS mobile devices. All the data collected at stores is automatically transferred to corporate database and is available for analysis. Integration with Google Big Query allows developing analytic reports for selling pattern analysis. Getting clear picture of retail conditions provide prerequisites for accurate sales forecasting, setting up goals and monitoring the implementation of the objectives to get vital marketing and promotional pricing strategies.

Reduce Your Inventory Costs.

Your merchandisers and managers always have access to the history of retail visits including the amounts of previous orders and returns. So merchandisers are able to better evaluate the needs of each store to place orders that make sense, and can better anticipate the volume of goods that must be delivered to retailers’ locations. Thus due to merchandising software implementation your company gets higher inventory turns, decreased inventory levels and reduced operating expenses due to lower inventory control.

Cut Operating Expenses. VisitBasis merchandising software provides streamlined data workflow and improved real-time interactions between field team members. Automated data collection process allows focusing on retail execution and customers’ needs instead of paperwork and manual data entry. Minimizing mistakes and time for task performance provide reduce operating expenses by eliminating costly data reentry and retail data transfer delays.

Start you retail sales automation completely free today after registering at www.visitbasis.com.

VisitBasis - Field mobile retail data collection app, www.visitbasis.com

VisitBasis retail audit software is extremely easy to deploy. Just register your account with VisitBasis at www.visitbasis.com, then download VisitBasis Retail Audit App FREE on Google Play or App Store and start working.

To learn more about how our field merchandising system works request a demo or check the links below to watch the demo videos.