22 May 2015

VisitBasis - Sales Rep App. Retail execution and mobile data collection software.

Companies of all kinds conduct retail audits to to provide documented verification that point-of-sales meet corporate compliance policy and marketing strategies are properly implemented at stores. To start retail auditing you have to provide your field managers with guidelines for what is to be done, to define store visits frequency and to determine channels for delivering store audit data back to the office. Retail audit software can help to increase the efficiency of retail operations and improve field reps productivity.

VisitBasis retail audit software is a complete data collection solution to for managing, scheduling, and monitoring field team activities in real-time. VisitBasis offers the following advantages:

  • Visits and tasks can be scheduled by the office or on the mobile app
  • Field reps or office managers can optimize customer routes
  • Office managers visually assign stores to field reps, using a map
  • Field reps have access to all data offline and can execute tasks without an Internet connection
  • Unlimited photos can be collected and uploaded to the office
  • Fraud prevention by GPS tracking of all field activities
  • Product catalog and orders/returns with multiple price lists and must-stock lists
  • Field reps can switch from one mobile device to another during the workday without losing any data.

When you adopt VisitBasis retail audit software you can expect the following benefits:

  • Fast and accurate data collectionVisitBasis retail audit software helps to collect store data in a more efficient way. The VisitBasis Retail Execution App allows companies to replace paper forms with mobile forms and to capture data with ease. All the data collected in stores is instantly synced with corporate database and can be further integrated with any back end system.
  • Easier collaboration, globally – VisitBasis provides retail data centralization and aggregation allowing field reps and field team managers to collaborate within a single corporate system. Since VisitBasis retail audit software is a Google Cloud implementation it provides 24/7 access to corporate database from anywhere.
  • Data-driven decision-making – VisitBasis retail audit software helps field team managers to make better decisions by getting real-time data from points of sale with web-based dashboards and generating reports that are always up to date. Field reps can also share the reports via e-mail.

VisitBasis is a complete mobile retail audit software solution. It is a Cloud-based SaaS solution for retail audits that allows field operations managers to oversee all stages of the retail audit from assigning territories and scheduling visits to immediately retrieving results through VisitBasis online dashboard and reports. Start you retail audit automation completely free today after registering at www.visitbasis.com.

VisitBasis - Retail data collection app, www.visitbasis.com

VisitBasis retail audit software is extremely easy to deploy – and you can start it completely free. Just register with VisitBasis just register free account at www.visitbasis.com, then download VisitBasis Retail Audit App FREE on Google Play or App Store and start working.

To learn more about how our field merchandising system works request a demo or check the links below to watch the demo videos.