14 May 2015

VisitBasis - Retail audit software, Android, iOS. www.visitbasis.com

Today you can completely eliminate paper forms by implementing a retail data collection software solution. Automated data collection allows companies to reduce the cost of its operations by cutting the amount of paper used in the field and large number of staff and office space required to handle that paper.

Of course, if a company decides to develop its own software solution for retail data collection, and to specifically provide its field reps portable mobile devices so they can go paperless, it can quickly get very expensive. The cost of a software development varies greatly depending on the needs and opportunities of a company. Usually it works for large companies that are able to invest in new technologies to obtain competitive advantages and to be up-to-date.

Therefore most of the companies opt for SaaS solutions for retail data collection (like Visitbasis) to avoid the extra costs of server hardware and IT support. Even so there are some things to be considered when deciding to go paperless. Although up-to-data data collection software (like Visitbasis) provides the ability to capture data offline, your field reps still need Internet connection to synchronize and share the information. Corporate business plans for 10 lines start at $90/month for 20GB shared data. Adding unlimited talks and text we get $240 – $440 per month, and $2280 – $5280 per year. Assuming that field reps also need the devices to store mobile forms and collect data we may think that the idea of going paperless is not cost-effective at all.

Fortunately the advanced software solutions for data collection offer BYOD implementation to reduce communication costs and to completely eliminate the cost of hardware. Instead of the company purchasing tablets and smartphones, the employee uses their own devices to perform data collection. Besides saving on hardware, you save time and money on staff training and your field reps can be more effective using devices they already get used to.

Data collection software implementation allows companies to improve the accuracy of data collection process, to reduce data-entry errors, and to improve productivity of field reps that immediately increases the overall efficiency of an organization. VisitBasis retail data collection software is extremely easy to deploy and deal with. And you can do it completely free. To automate you retail data collection activities with VisitBasis just register free account at www.visitbasis.com, then download VisitBasis Retail Audit App FREE on Google Play or App Store and start working.

www.visitbasis.com - Field force automation solution.

To learn more about how our field merchandising system works request a demo or check the links below to watch the demo videos.