12 May 2015

VisitBasis - Field reps App. Mobile data collection software, Android, iOS

Today high speed and accuracy of data procession is one of the most important competitive advantages for a company. Automated data collection allows companies to reduce the cost of its operations by cutting the amount of paper used in the field and large number of staff and office space required to handle that paper. Using a retail data collection solution for tablets and smartphones can help to completely automate data collection, data capture and data processing operations.

Field data collection automation software grants your field reps the ability to capture data anytime and anywhere using their own mobile devices. Besides your office managers using automated data collection system are able to process large amounts of data by pushing a single button, data collection automation eliminates manual data entry, saving time and lowering the rate of errors.

Data collection automation empowers your field reps with all the variety of tools and information to perform data collection tasks, and gives them ability to access and update data from anywhere. This enhances field reps productivity and allows you to use your field force for more rewarding work.

When implementing data collection automation you are able to:

  • Eliminate paper forms and spreadsheets
  • Get real-time data back in the office as soon as it’s collected
  • Make changes to the schedule and tasks of field reps in real time
  • Increase the efficiency and the accuracy of field data collection
  • Integrate the data to your corporate database

Visitbasis - field merchandising mobile software and data collection solution.

To try our data collection software for free register at www.visitbasis.com and download the VisitBasis Retail Audit App FREE on Google Play or App Store. To learn more about how our field merchandising system works request a demo or check the links below to watch the demo videos.